Saturday, 25 September 2010
saturday is the new sunday
Brilliant, cold and windy weather, not a cloud in the sky. The laundry will smell of winter.
Catch the 214 to Fox House and walk down and along the river all the way to Curbar, and get a bus back. An added bonus: two albums of Calvin and Hobbes for £2, off a charity book sale. Yay!
A trout lazily floating in the crystal clear water of the stream which crosses a number of gardens in Calver.
A road-side apple tree at Calver scatters ripe fruit all over the green. Sadly most people seem uniterested. The deep red of the skin colours the white flesh nearly to the core, like in the apples I remember from when I was a child. Delicious.
At home, make a pre-requested cake, shortbred-like pastry with cherry jam and fresh blueberries filling. To be had with the debaucheries of Madame Bovary.
Friday, 17 September 2010
Bilbao photo essay
A taste of Dubai
The park
Old Town
Along the river
Guggenheim, and the dog that lives within
Bilbao tripping
Tee-hee, for indestructible racing suitcase
The company 'Stanmark' in Krakow for their Stopper® earplugs: “They help you stay sane!” (especially as Iberia airlines play muzak throughout the flight....!!!)
Aphex Twin, you know why
10:10 am
I love the run from Sheffield to Manchester on the train, the beautiful views and the experience of this complex Peak District landscape falling into place around me. Great start to a journey.
11:03 am
It's was a nice day for travelling, but since we've left Edale and emerged on the Manchester side of the tunnel the wind has picked up, and it's started to rain. By the time we leave Manchester Piccadilly it is raining so hard the window is one big sheet of water, and I can feel the carriage wobble in the gusty wind. This is not good.
Still not found my way to the departure gate at Manchester, and I think I'm running in circles. Terminal 3 is not only a maize, but a maize under construction, plywood tunnels and confusing information boards everywhere. If I hear one more 'please don't leave your luggage unattended' message I may just turn around and go home.
We board on time. It's an Airbus 320, and it's two-thirds full! Between Manchester and Heathrow! There must be 150 people on board who have decided that a flight makes more sense than 4 h on the train – can't be judgemental, being one of them.. The idiocy of the situation is that flying with 2 changes from Manchester was cheaper than taking the same flights, but starting from Heathrow. Huh.
A Japanese guy in the row in front of me is reading manga on a Kindle, the first one I've seen in use. It has stopped raining and the sky is freshly washed, but the wind is still there.
We're 'experiencing a bit of a delay' because of the winds, both here and at Heathrow. We've missed our take off opportunity and have to wait for the next one. The three cabin staff are all male and smiling reassuringly, and are much less formal than the terrorised budget airlines employees, joking over the speakers, announcements creative and personal. I really appreciate that, actually!
Still stuck. They are trying to arrange our departure with the landing spot in Heathrow so that we save fuel, are environmentally friendly and all that. All great news I'd be embracing wholeheartedly if I weren't busy worrying about losing my connection. The relaxed staff starts to serve drinks, and the plane smells of wine now. I'm resisting temptation for now.
Taxiyng out agonisingly slowly.
The small screens above our heads show our route, progress, distance from destination and all other fascinating information designed to make us feel in control of our destiny. With overwhelming frustration I see we are actually circling, and the distance from my connecting flight has just increased to 15 miles! Blast the information fix!
Heathrow, terminal five. It looked ok from the outside, but right now I am hating it with every fibre of my body, as I'm thundering through bloody long corridors with no automatic walkways! I have exactly 24 minutes to get to my gate – in terminal three. The suitcase performs amazingly on tight corners of the passenger slalom. We'll see how it handles the stairs.
The bus left immediately after I jumped on it, and I find myself staring at another 'helpful' information screen now. A purple strip at the bottom indicates our progress, and with horror I notice we're only one fifth of the way there! The bus takes us deep into the dark cluttered bowels of Heathrow, and we work our way between piles of discarded trolleys, constant roadworks, and hundreds of incomprehensible and moving machines. Great.
I've got five minutes before the gate closes, and I'm breaking the world record for 500 Metre Mad Dash With Pull-along. At least there are walkways, but I'm breathing hard and sweating like mad. I've pleaded my way to the front of the security check queue, but even though I had not even a pin on me the infernal door beeped – 'a random check', the officer informed me. Another minute wasted. I take off, through the – fortunately uncrowded – shopping area, and this is my last long stretch now, gates 25-40. People scatter as they hear the mad wheeezeee of the suitcase wheels as I approach. The corridor goes on forever, I'm at the end of the walkways and it's only gate 30, and mine is number 40! I try to convince myself this is just like jogging in the park – but it's not. Oh great, an uphill ramp.... oh thank goodness, gate 40. Collapse.
Well, that was close, and I am now both sweaty and tired, with two more flights to go. I only made it because this flight is late as well – so I'm mentally preparing for a repeat of the Mad Dash in Madrid. I'm quite a sight, panting and red amongst suited businessmen and smart tourists. Oh well. I made it. Wine time.
The planet has spun further into darkness, and the mountains are casting long shadows. I want to take a picture, but there is a dense, purplish haze hanging over the landscape, just like the one I remember from the Pianura Padana, North Italy. Could Spain be similarly polluted? Ironically, I was just trying to take a picture of a massive windmill farm.
Well, this time it took me ten minutes between emerging from one plane and being seated on another. I ran anyway, just in case, but all Iberia gates are grouped in one area, so my sprinting was rather unnecessary. It's a lovely airport, too, but I'll have more of a chance to explore it's architecture on the way back.
Madrid airport.
On the bus to town centre I overhear the boy sitting in front of me chat in Polish on the phone, and can't help myself. He's just starting his Erasmus year... ooh, lucky guy..! I give him some tips based on my Italian experience, and concentrate on being jealous. But then we cross the river and pass the Guggenheim museum, and I'm, happy to be where I am too.
I slowly walk down a pedestrianised street in search of my hotel. It seems a nice city, Bilbao. But all I can think of is food, shower and sleep. Preferably in this order.
The trip back was fortunately less eventful, although I did manage to break a bottle of wine just before boarding in Madrid, and then got assaulted at the baggage reclaim at Manchester. 53 hours later and I'm nearly home, the sun is setting over the Peak District, sheep are sheepish and I have multiple bottles of Rioja about my person. Life is good.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
I wonder how the scientists of the Brain Research Institute in Moscow would have reacted to this unusual case. I read about it recently in 'Making Things Public' (Latour et al 2005). The institute, working until 1936, was dedicated to the studies of unusual brains - geniuses like Lenin, but also dissidents. The institute searched (and, having set it as an objective, obviously found) material reson's for greatness as well as downfall. The Institute's main hall was the Pantheon of brains, described by a Dusseldorf Nachritchen correspondent in these terms: "Thirteen brains, each one in a glass case, are aligned along the wall of a large room that may have been the balroom when the palace was still owned by a rich merchant in Moscow. Above each case is the name of the man whose head the brain was extracted from, there are also some notes oh his career; in some cases, even photographs." These brains were copies of course, and the interesting question is how they got around displaying the copy of Lenin's brain, half of which was severely damaged due to numerous strokes he had.
No photographs of this bizzare and fascinating place survive...
Monday, 6 September 2010
sheep dog trials at Longshaw Estate
Turned out that before the dogs run in the national championship, people show off their cross country running. We got there in time to see the winner of the 5-mile fell race, across the moors, stony paths and boggy fields, come working hard up the hill, to gracefully collapse on the other side of the finishing line.
...and just after.
Recovering runners.
The sun-sedated public.
A happy and relaxed non-participant.
Dogs and shepards.
Important men.
The contestants pose for a picture.
Ready to go.
The first trial, gathering the sheep from the back of the field.
A moment later they're in!
The second pair of contestants.
They had a bit of trouble getting them into the pen!
The stand off.
And off again!
The third pair; their sheep were quite defensive.
The third pair was very effective; the distance between the sheep and the dog was much bigger than with the first contestant. A wolf-like shadow, it would control the movements of the sheep with the simple suggestion of its canine presence, rather than getting up close and sopoking them constantly, and zig-zagging accross the field after a panicky group as a result.
Very effective shedding.
Sunday, 5 September 2010
road to RGS
I have come to realise that my enjoyment of time spent in London is directly correlated with the amount of time I have to spend there - the clearer the deadline, the more I appreciate it, and the less I despise it. Knowing I was leaving after three days, it was with a veritable bounce that I exited the train to step into the sunny glory of St Pancras.
Not only has St Pancras been recently renovated, it has also been recently expanded and now connects seemlessly with Kings Cross through a long series of well lit tunnels (have a look at a very funny description of the endless underground journey by Simon Hoggart here). It was very busy, I got there just for the rush hour. The instinct to kick shins of those bumping into me was hard to surpress.
By the time I have emerged at Victoria, which is amongst the most horrid places in London to navigate (second only to the Centrepoint area), my good will towards mankind had significantly eroded. While in the Tube I was looking around with interest and joy at the wonderful variety of faces and expressions around me (the white-haired woman in a purple jacket, the red-headed short-tempered one on the seat opposite, the Japanese teenager in skinny jeans), and as usual in these kinds of situations wished for a pair of powerful spy glasses to snap impromptu portraits of their amazing individuality; by the time I reached Victoria I had been treaded on so many times, treated to so many bland, expressionless looks of self-involved misery that it was all coming back to me - the point-to-point thinking, people as moving obstacles to be manouvered around, the necessary disengagement which makes it possible to survive the horror of a daily commute..
My room for the next three nights was a very agreeable student cell on the 7th floor, overlooking nothing in particular. I smiled at its sobriety, and even the all-plastic bathroom, with a crammed arrangement you'd find in a camper van, was not offensive (for the lack of space the whole room, including the toilet area, becoming a shower cabin). It reminded me of my uber-geeky days of incessant studying as an undergratuate - ah, what misery, and what delight at the same time!
Dumped the suitcase and headed out again, to pick up my pack and start planning attendance of the presentations over the next few days. It was great fun this year.